2004 to 2007
Year 2006
Occupational Safety+Health Conference 2006 “OSH – A business Advantage”
- Held between 11 to 12 October 2006 at the Singapore Suntex Convention Centre
- Click here for a synopsis of the conference.
Enhancing Safety Performance through Risk Perception and Risk Tolerance
- Held on 23 June 2006
- Click here for notes from the event.
“OSH for Healthcare & Laboratory Workers – Issues and Challenges”
- Half day seminar on 29 April 2006 held at York Hotel, Carton Hall, 2nd Level.
- Click here for notes from the Seminar.
Year 2005
Practical IH Risk Assessment & Management Workshop
- Held on 18 & 19 August 2005 at the York Hotel, Singapore
- This workshop co-organised by OEHS and SISO provided a comprehensive, high-level review of a wide range of industrial hygiene topics for both practising industrial hygienists and occupational health and safety professionals.
Year 2004
Occupational Safety+Health Conference 2004 “OSH – A business Advantage”
- Held between 16 to 17 September 2006 at the Singapore Suntec Convention Centre
- Click for synopsis, conference report, picture gallery and newspaper report of the conference.