20th Aug 1999 an EOGM was held to discuss the future direction of the Society.
Seminar on “Health in the Workplace Beyond 2000” was jointly organised by The Society of Workplace Health Promotion Facilitators and SOM, 8th October.
Seminar “The Health of your Buisiness – A Management Guide to Employees”, 27th Jun.Fifty health care and management staff from 25 organisations attended the seminar.
Fourth Combined Scientific Meeting Combined Scientific Meeting with Chapter of Community and Occupational Physicians, Academy of Medicine on “Disease Screening and Information Technology in Health Care?140 participants including some from Brunei, Malaysia, Indonesia and Hong Kong.
Public Forum ?Recognising and Preventing Work Relation Diseases, 25th May
Combined Scientific Meeting with Chapter of Community and Occupational Physicians, Academy of Medicine on “Caring for People’s Health” on 11th Feb.130 participants including those from Malaysia, Indonesia, Brunei, India, Uganda and Seychelles etc.
Public Seminar ?”Corporate Health – Dollars and Sense”.Ninety participants including human resource directors.
The 27th AGM cum Scientific meeting with keynote address “Future directions of occupational medicine in Singapore” given by Prof J Jeyaratnam on 22nd Jan.
Public Seminar ?How to manage health care costs effectively
Public Affairs committee set up
First SOM scientific session held together with the AGM ?6 papers presented.
Seminar on Ethics in Occupational Medical Practice
Symposium on Mental Stress at the Workplace
Seminar on Eye injuries at Work
Seminar on Problem of Noise in Industry
Combined meeting with Chapter of Community and Occupational Medicine, Academy of medicine, on “Occupational Health ?An Asian Perspective”
1973 ?1981
Numerous talks on various occupational health topics
Symposium on “Workmen’s Compensation”
Public Forum on Noise pollution in Singapore, November.
SMA held its first National Medical Convention from 23-26th Mar 1968 at the Singapore Conference Hall, with two main themes, Occupational Health and Cancer. SOM was responsible for the occupational health exhibits and 7 scientific papers
WHO 20th anniversary, ILO 50th Anniversary celebration on 7th Apr1969
Public forum on “Health, Labour and Productivity” at Victoria TheatreSOM members conducted course on “Health in Industry”
Symposium on Aviation Medicine jointly sponsored by Singapore Medical ssociation (SMA) and SOM, August.